Tips to Remove Food Stains From Your Carpet
Removing food stains is not always easy to do at home if you don’t know the little tricks. So, instead of thinking about replacing your carpet, don’t despair, these tips will help you clean your carpet.
Red wine stains
To get rid of a red wine stain on the carpet:
– Sprinkle talcum powder on the stain.
– Let the dirt soak in.
– Brush to recover the detergent.
– Sponge the area with soapy water.
Tip: If the stain does not disappear, add white vinegar to the detergent.
White wine stains
To get rid of a white wine stain on carpeting:
– Gently blot the stain.
– Soap the stained area.
For best results:
– Dab a cloth soaked in white vinegar on the stain.
– Wipe over with a wet cloth.
– Rub with a dry cloth.
Soda stains
A soda stain on the carpet?
– Wipe off any remaining liquid with a tissue.
– Mix water, vinegar and carpet shampoo.
– Rub the stain with the solution.
Coffee stains
To remove a coffee stain from a carpet:
– For fine stains: dab the stain with a cloth soaked in white vinegar.
Another effective detergent: 90° alcohol.
– For stubborn stains:
◦ Apply a cloth soaked in 5% sodium bisulphite to the stained area.
◦ Wipe with a damp sponge.
◦ Wipe off.
Tea stains
To get rid of a tea stain on the carpet:
– Press a handkerchief over the stain.
– Apply a cloth soaked in diluted 90° alcohol to the stain.
Another effective detergent: white vinegar.
If the stain persists:
– Rub the area with shaving foam on a brush.
– Recover the foam with a damp cloth.
– Blow-dry hair until completely dry.
Edible oil stains

To remove an olive oil stain from a carpet:
– Blot the stain.
– Place blotting paper over the soiled area.
– Bring the soleplate near an iron and heat.
– Squeeze a paper towel to loosen the moisture.
Tomato stains
To clean a tomato stain on the carpet:
– Sprinkle with flour.
– Wait until the tomato soaks into the flour.
– Brush to remove the flour.
If the stain persists, apply a cotton pad soaked in diluted 90° alcohol.
Edible fat / butter stains
To erase a butter stain on carpet:
– If the stain is fine: Peel off the surface dirt with a sharp object.
– If the stain is encrusted:
◦ Sprinkle Sommières soil with ammonia.
◦ Wait for detergents to soak into the stain.
◦ Repeat the operation if the stain persists.
◦ Wipe off the detergent with a damp cloth.
– If the stain is stubborn:
◦ Place a cloth on the stain.
◦ Heat with an iron.
◦ Treat with Sommières soil and ammonia.
Chocolate stains
To eradicate a chocolate stain on carpeting:
– Apply a cloth impregnated with mineral spirits.
– Rub with a cloth soaked in 90° alcohol and water.
– Wash with a sponge of cold water.
Curry sauce stains
To finish off a stain of curry sauce on a carpet:
– Pour talcum powder mixed with ammonia over the soiled area.
– Leave for a few minutes.
– Vacuum.
Mayonnaise stains
A mayonnaise stain on a carpet?
– Scrape the surface layer with a wooden spatula.
– Scrub with a damp cloth.
– Add a little soap.
– Sponge.
– Wipe dry.
Mustard stains
To remove a mustard stain from the carpet:
– Remove the soft part with your fingernail.
– Rub the rest with a cloth soaked in soap and water.
– Then polish with a cloth impregnated with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
– Wash with clear water.
Note: if there are still stains, the lemon juice can remove them.
Beer stains
To remove a beer stain from carpet:
– Rub the stain with a damp cloth.
– Polish the area with water and vinegar.
That’s it, now you can get to work. Good luck to you and don’t forget to tell us about your experience!